What happens after you flush the toilet is becoming a big deal. In a new article, published in the science journal Nature, researchers propose a paradigm-shifting change in the treatment of wastewater, a shift they say could have a dramatic global...
What happens after you flush the toilet is becoming a big deal. In a new article, published in the science journal Nature, researchers propose a paradigm-shifting change in the treatment of wastewater, a shift they say could have a dramatic global...
By Hermann Erdmann, CEO at REDISA (Recycling and Economic Development Initiative of South Africa) Three billion people will join the global consumer class over the next two decades, accelerating the degradation of natural resources and escalating...
In order to save water, the City of Cape Town is reusing over 6% of the effluent that passes through its treatment works, for irrigation and industrial purposes. The amount of effluent the City has been able to reuse has exceeded expectations for...