Pontederia crassipes, commonly called water hyacinth, and Pistia stratiotes, or water lettuce, are extremely invasive and damaging. Water hyacinth is more resilient and aggressive than water lettuce and will receive the most attention. In early...
Gauteng’s water worries hit a new level this week with many residents complaining of no water due across Johannesburg. Johannesburg Water responded to the concerns by addressing the media on the 28th of November to outline their strategy for...
As part of ongoing efforts to protect and conserve our precious water resources, Johannesburg Water is calling on its customers and the wider community to join forces in saving water and promoting sustainable water use. With growing concerns over...
Water Demand Management and conservation is a strong priority in the City of Johannesburg, and in support of the Department of Water and Sanitation’s drive to drastically improve Gauteng’s water security, Johannesburg Water has an ongoing Water...