water | Infrastructure news - Part 532

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Food in landfills feeds wastage

Recent legislation promulgated in the United States has put caps in Massachusetts limiting the amount of food that goes to landfill. In South Africa and many other developing countries around the world no such cap exists, although these countries...

Equality, dignity and toilets

By Liesl Frankson The theme for World Toilet Day 2014 is Equality and Dignity, and this year the organisers aim to highlight the link between gender-based violence and sanitation. The United Nations General Assembly, in 2013, designated 19 November...

IMESA Best Award

Every year, IMESA reviews the papers published in IMIESA Magazine, the Institute’s official publication , and select the best paper written by an IMESA member and the best paper by a non-member. The aim of the award is to bring attention to the...

Air blowers reduce energy costs by 30%

Low pressure compressed air is widely used for applications such as waste water aeration at treatment plants; dilute phase pneumatic conveying of dry powders and flue-gas desulphurisation of emission stacks. “The blower market for small volume...

Toxic algae tracked

Lund University in Sweden has developed a “super detector” that can track traces from a teaspoon of sugar in the Baltic Sea. The technology has also been adapted for use as a potentially life-saving technique that can detect toxic algae blooms in...