greywater | Infrastructure news


Pilot greywater project helps community

The Biomimicry Institute’s is conducting a pilot project for the ecological treatment of greywater in an informal settlement near Stellenbosch. More than 6000 people live in the settlement and water born diseases are rife. The ‘living gutter...
Greywater image

Is greywater recycling sustainable?

By Timony Siebert, Environment Consultant at Talbot & Talbot Access to water is an urgent issue facing Southern Africa; nearly 100 million people lack adequate access to water. While access to water has become a global concern, solutions remain...

Safe use of greywater for urban food production

A solicited research project, initiated and funded by the Water Research Commission (WRC) and led by Dr Nicola Rodda of the University of KwaZulu-Natal, clarifies the benefits as well as the risks associated with the use of greywater. The potential...