A waterless sanitation option | Infrastructure news

A locally made product, the FreeFlo® urinal valve, has the potential of saving the average office building over 1 million litres of water each year.

These valves require absolutely no water and feature an airtight seal and deodorising dome to keep toilets completely odourless without wasting water.

The average urinal flush uses around 2 ℓ of water each time it is used. Retrofitting existing buildings or fitting new buildings with a water-free system has the potential to save South Africa billions of litres of water each year.

According to Brian Goodman of Sannitree International, “Problems with previous waterless urinals have included excessive odour and the build-up of waste matter. FreeFlo’s® new technology provides a completely airtight separation between the urinal and the waste stream, trapping odour in the pipes. The unit prevents the development of foul odours that some men’s toilets have become synonymous with.”

This exciting new product completely eliminates the water and sewer costs normally incurred by conventional urinals. As water usage continues to increase, architects, builders, planners and environmentalists around the world are looking for new alternatives. Using these one-way valve water-free systems will ensure that water usage is reduced and vandalism is combated.

The FreeFlo® water-free urinal valve is easy to clean and is designed for retrofit or new construction applications in any type of industrial or commercial facility.

There is an immediate cost saving, as the unit requires no plumbing or flush devices such as buttons or lights, and the maintenance routine is simple, quick and touch free.

Healthier option
Regardless of what type of urinals or flushing system you currently have, water-free urinals will make your men’s room a healthier place. As well as offering significant water savings, water-free urinals eliminate many of the problems associated with flushing urinals, namely scale, odour, blockage and subsequent flooding. The water-free urinal is healthier and more hygienic than other alternatives because it is both dry and flushless. With water-free urinals, bacteria don’t have the moisture they need to thrive. The dry urinal surface of water-free urinal is liquid repellent and hostile to bacteria. Urinals that are flushed are known to spread bacterial aerosols, which then seed in nearby wet and damp spots to form new growths. All of this is eliminated with The FreeFlo® one-way water-free urinal valve.

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