87% of Tanzanian population lack sanitation services | Infrastructure news

Sanitation, viewed at the global and the national level, is a major problem, a representative of the UNICEF and United Nations Children’s Fund in Tanzania, Dorothy Rozga said in Moshi on Saturday.

Rozga said 2.5 billion people globally do not have access to improved toilets, adding that in Tanzania, those without that access add up to about 40 million people or 87% of the population.

“The consequences of this sad state of affairs is a polluted environment that affects our water supplies and bring danger to everyone,” Rozga warned. She added that 88% of diarrheal diseases is attributable to unsafe water supplies,inadequate sanitation and poor personal hygiene.

Children are highly vulnerable because every hour a child dies in Tanzania of diarrheal, she said, noting that even those who do not die become stuck in a cycle of diarrhea and malnutrition, contributing to a high level of 42% of stunted children, according to the latest demographic and health survey.

“Malnutrition robs children of their right to a healthy and productive future,” said Rozga, adding that poor sanitation also affects children at school because lack of the facilities make many, especially girls, miss valuable school time or even drop out completely.

She told the audience that simple affordable solutions were present and could make a difference between living in a contaminated environment and one that is safe and free from human waste.

He added, “What is needed is knowledge and commitment and this can come about through collective efforts of household and communities, local government authorities, civil societies and the central government.

Source: allAfrica.com

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