Sanral still waiting for its R2bn | Infrastructure news

Sanral will have to wait a little longer for its second bailout.

“The bill has not been gazetted yet,” an official for the National Treasury said on Thursday.

The R2 billion bailout for the SA National Roads Agency Limited was announced on August 15 during the Constitutional Court hearing on the controversial e-tolls.

At the time, the National Treasury’s legal team told the Concourt that on 31 July, the cabinet had approved a special appropriation for Sanral and that the appropriation bill would be issued that day.

The cabinet briefing after that meeting did not mention the bailout.

The lawyers told the Concourt that the appropriation would be about R2 billion and was needed because the delays in implementing the e-tolling on the Gauteng freeways had cost Sanral about R2.7 billion.

The Treasury later confirmed that the appropriation would be R2 billion

Judgment in the Concourt case is still awaited.

Source: iol

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