RMI in court over waste tyre plans | Infrastructure news

We refer to previous correspondence circulated on the 17th August 2012

Subsequently, after consultation with our legal team, we have resolved to issue an application in the North Gauteng High Court through our attorneys, which has been placed on the urgent court roll for hearing on the 18th of September 2012 – a few days before the intended implementation of the plan.

In the above Court Application, the Retail Motor Industry Organisation as an Applicant, requests relief in terms whereof the DEA and REDISA are interdicted and restrained from proceeding with the implementation of the REDISA-plan, pending a final review of the Minister’s approval of the REDISA-plan.

The RMI, amongst many others, is hopeful that the endeavours to set aside the final implementation of the plan will be successful. We will however inform you of the outcome of the proceedings as expeditiously as possible after the 18th of September.

The Office of the Minister of Environmental Affairs & Water (First Respondent) and the Office of REDISA (Second Respondent) both gave notice of intention to oppose.

Please contact Vishal Premlall on 011 886 6300 or e-mail vishal.premlall@rmi.org.za should you have any enquiries.

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