Countries Tax Statistics released | Infrastructure news

The seventh Tax Statistics bulletin has just been released by the National Treasury and South African Revenue Service.

In a statement the two government departments said the objective of releasing the country’s Tax Statistics is to publicise available, comprehensive tax revenue data that can assist policy makers and provide insights on economic indicators to researchers, analysts, the media and the public in general.

The 2014 Tax Statistics Bulletin provides an overview of tax revenue collection and tax return information for the 2009/10 to 2013/14 fiscal years, and the 2010 to 2013 tax years respectively.

Worldwide, tax statistics are assuming more prominence in the formulation and evaluation of fiscal policy as well as policies on employment and income as informed by socio-economic research.

The World Bank, the OECD, stakeholders from government, including Statistics South Africa and the South African Reserve Bank, continue to make use of the publication. The Davis Tax Committee, in its evaluation of South Africa’s tax system, has also made extensive use of Tax Statistics published previously.

This publication continues to provide factual data that is accessible to a wide range of stakeholders in research, media and the wider public sector. Feedback from a variety of sources indicates that Tax Statistics also provides valuable insights into socio-economic trends.

Some highlights in this publication include:
• For the 2013 tax, there were 15.4 million registered individual taxpayers. There were 6.7 million individuals who contributed to Personal Income Tax (PIT). PIT was the largest source of total revenue collected for 2013/14 totalling R310.9 billion (34.5%).
• For the 2012 tax year nearly 2.2 million companies were registered for different tax types that apply to businesses. Some 625 808 companies were assessed by SARS. About a third of companies that were assessed had positive taxable income (profit); about a third had taxable income equal to zero and the remaining third reported an assessed loss. Corporate Income Tax (CIT) was the third largest contributor to total revenue for 2013/14, totalling R179.5 billion (19.8%). Of the total number of companies assessed by SARS for the 2012 tax year, 112 170 were Small Business Corporations (SBCs) and paid tax at the applicable graduated income tax rate instead of a fixed CIT rate of 28%.
• For the 2013/14 fiscal year there were 662 194 entities registered for Value-Added-Tax (VAT) of which 420 785 (63.5%) were active. VAT collections grew by 10.5% for 2013/14 compared to the previous fiscal year. VAT was the second largest contributor to total tax revenue for 2013/14, totalling R237.7 billion (26.4%).

An electronic version of the full publication (as well as the Excel tables used in this publication) is available for download on both the websites of SARS – and that of National Treasury –

Both institutions welcome public comments and suggestions to enhance the publication’s utility in policy evaluation and developing new insights in South Africa’s social and economic context. These can be provided via e-mail to

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