Kenville road closed for upgrades | Infrastructure news

Road closed Nate Grigg Flickr

Photo: Nate Grigg Flickr

Kenville road in Durban North will be closed from 19 February 2018 until 30 April 2019 for a road upgrade project.

This is in order to accommodate the realignment of Inanda Road and the construction of a new bridge along Kenville Road according to the eThekwini municipality.

The affected portion of the road will be between Sea Cow Lake Road and 37 Kenville Road. The road will be closed permanently to the public during this time and will only be accessible to construction vehicles.

“However, the public will still be able to access a portion of Kenville Road through Smithfield and Kew roads.

Services, including water, sewer, electricity, stormwater, Neotel and Telkom, may be affected as a result,” the municipality concludes.


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