Mangaung water safe to drink but boil it just in case | Infrastructure news

The Mangaung Metropolitan Municipality says it has undertaken vigorous water tests after a recent outcry of possible water contamination around the City.

According to the municipality it has since communicated with its laboratory to conduct test on the City’s drinking water and the results did not show contamination.

Despite the clear results the city is still urging residents to boil their water before drinking it if they suspect contamination.

The municipality has attributed the brown water to repair work taking place on burst pipes.  “We can confirm though, that both our water and sewer network have been under severe pressure recently, and this is a matter that is getting the attention of the city.”

“Engineering Services has since taken an approach that in a case of a burst pipe; we replace the entire pipe with the view of bringing a lasting solution to our underground pipe network,” the municipality said in a statement.

“We have since issued out a notice that in those areas that suspect there is water contamination, residents are encouraged to boil their water before drinking whilst as the city we are paying attention to this problem,” it added.


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