Cape Town forks out R22 million for Gugulethu roads | Infrastructure news

The City of Cape Town has set aside R22 million for the upgrade and rehabilitation of concrete roads in Gugulethu.

The project, which is being undertaken by undertaken by the City’s Transport and Urban Development Authority (TDA), involves the rehabilitation of eight concrete roads as well as the construction of new sidewalks and stromwater infrastructure.

According to the City the project will start mid-May and should be concluded within one year, if all goes as planned.

“All in all we will be rehabilitating and reconstructing over 2.1 km of concrete roads, and some of the existing roads may need to be widened as well. Once completed, all of the new roads will have a bitumen-rubber tarmac layer,” explains Brett Herron, the City’s Mayoral Committee Member for Transport and Urban Development.

“We will also build new sidewalks, and importantly, speed humps will be installed along these roads to slow down traffic. The measures will go a long way in improving the safety of pedestrians, in particular the most vulnerable road users such as children and older people,” he adds.

The upgrades to the stormwater infrastructure are expected to increase the longevity of the roads and improve the driving conditions in wet weather.

“We refer to the work to be done as a fence-to-fence improvement of the road reserve which will be of great benefit to the communities living in the vicinity of the roads,” notes Siyabulela Mamkeli , the City’s Mayoral Committee Member for Area Central.

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