Competition urges youth to submit suggestions to solve SA’s infrastructure challenges | Infrastructure news

Development Bank of Southern Africa has called on young people to submit ideas which will help solve South Africa’s infrastructure challenges.

The bank has launched a competition that urges the youth to submit suggestions relating to addressing development needs within the bank’s core sectors; energy, water, transport, information communication technology and social sectors.

And to top it off, a R1.5-million in prize money is up for grabs.

“Through initiatives such as the DBSA Youth Challenge, we look forward to working more closely with a segment of our society that is the foundation of our country’s future,” said the bank’s Head of Communication and Marketing, Sebolelo Matsoso.

“As development practitioners we partner with stakeholders to identify development solutions.”

Entries should be original, relevant to society and feasible. The competition closes on 31 August. Interested individuals can submit their ideas via the DBSA Youth Challenge website.

The top 10 finalists will have an opportunity to promote their ideas and network with potential sponsors before the three winners are announced at a gala event later in the year.

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