KwaZulu-Natal dam levels decline a concern for Water and Sanitation Department | Infrastructure news

A weekly dam levels report issued by the Department of Water and Sanitation in KwaZulu-Natal has shown a marginal decline in the province’s dam levels.

Going from 62,2% last week to 61,8% this week.

The Department has since called on residents to be prudent with their water usage. The Midmar Dam has decreased from last week’s 100,0% full capacity to 99,7% this week.

This time last year, it was at 99,3%. Meanwhile, the Albert-Falls Dam has taken a lower dip from 43,7% to 43,2%. Also experiencing a decrease is the Inanda Dam from 88.8% to 88,2% %.

During a similar period last year, it recorded 75,2%. The Driel Barrage in the North Coast is at 98,7% from 100,0% last week.

The Wagendrift Dam located on the Bushman’s River, upstream of Estcourt remains above average at 100,1% from last week’s 100,2%.

The Goedertrouw Dam near Eshowe has also seen a decline from 55,7% last week to 55,2% this week.

To assist communities with water challenges, the Department has allocated 300 water storage tanks at the eThekwini Metro, with an additional 123 tankers.

The Ugu District Municipality received more than 200 water tanks and 54 tankers to help with water refills.

The uMzinyathi, Harry Gwala and Zululand Districts received 480, 350 and 212 water tanks, respectively.

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