Municipalities are losing R9.9 billion of water down the drain | Infrastructure news

The Minister of Human Settlements, Water and Sanitation, Lindiwe Sisulu has indicated that municipalities lose about 41% of water down the drain, amounting to an estimated R9.9billion.

Sisulu announced in her Budget Vote on Tuesday, 25 May 2021 that the water losses can be attributed to water leakages, municipalities not paying their debt and water users failing to pay for water services received.

This is a call to all residents, sectors of Agriculture, Mining, Industry and Municipalities to step up by fixing leaking taps, burst pipes, reporting water thieves and those who vandalise water and sanitation infrastructure and for all water users to pay for services.

The latest report of the Department of Water and Sanitation Status of Water Reservoirs indicates that water storage on average for the Northern Cape is 82.4%, the Orange River system 95.2 and the Vaal River System 99.8%. The Karee Dam, the only water dam in the Northern Cape is 17.1%.

Water storage weirs in the Northern Cape are as follows:

  • Spitskop 101.8%
  • Vaalharts 56.9%
  • Douglas 109.3%
  • Boegoeberg 72.5%.
You can report burst pipes, water thieves, water infrastructure vandals by calling 0800 200 200.

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