Global energy supply crisis calls for renewed efficiency | Infrastructure news

The conflict between Russia and Ukraine has raised fears regarding the global energy supply crisis affecting electricity and fuel – further increasing skepticism about oil supply from Russia thus affecting the oil price increase.

Energy efficiency will become the single most effective tool to remedy high demand and low capacity, or supply.

General Manager for Energy Efficiency & Corporate Communications at the South African National Energy Development Institute (SANEDI), Barry Bredenkamp warns that owing to the massive infrastructure drives and inescapable time frames vital to ramp up local energy capacity, countries now realise the necessity to take demand off the power grid and implore businesses and the public to prioritise energy efficiency.

“This will improve energy security while saving consumers and businesses on energy costs in the wake of growing economic uncertainty, rising oil prices, and other inflationary pressures weighing consumers down,” says Bredenkamp.

With the colder season fast approaching and the expected demand for heating, Eskom is experiencing a rise in diesel prices amidst a constrained global oil supply. The increasing costs of diesel prices will inevitably be passed down to consumers eventually.

“By taking demand off the national grid and Eskom, electricity users can potentially lessen the chances of load-shedding and give the power utility room to continue critical maintenance on its power plants, whilst reducing the need to use diesel turbines when units trip,” says Bredenkamp. 

SANEDI, which has the mandate to promote and advance energy efficiency – shares tips and methods for both commercial and residential consumers on its website. SANEDI translates its mandate into projects that incentivise and support energy efficiency through tax and projects like the Bridging Information Gap Of Energy Efficiency In Buildings initiative.

Earlier this month the Central Energy Fund (CEF) released data on the hike in fuel prices – projecting petrol and diesel could reach R24.00/l and R23.6, respectively.

Simultaneously climate is also a factor as energy security outweighs sustainability. The transition from coal and other fossil fuels for energy efficiency (which decreases consumption) is needed now more than ever and will continue to reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gas emissions accelerating global warming. 

South Africa’s strategy of Energy Efficiency Strategy is aimed at enhancing energy efficiency practices and regulations across energy-consuming sectors of the economy – have proved to be one of the least cost interventions against climate change, with multiple benefits for consumers. As the strategy recognises the economic benefits of improving energy efficiency.

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