World Earth Day: How to celebrate it | Infrastructure news

Celebrated on the 22nd of April, this years’ theme of Earth Day in 2022 is “Invest In Our Planet. What Will You Do?

World Earth Day is aimed at tackling climate change, reducing pollution, and preserving the health of the planet and those who live on it.

World Earth Day initially began in April 1970, prior to the Environmental Protection Agency, Clean Air Act, or Clean Water Act even existed.

In South Africa particularly, there have been increased occurrences of natural disasters, climate change, and pollution. From the Western Cape droughts to Knysna fires and the recent KwaZulu-Natal floods. Extensive damage has been caused to infrastructure – prompting the need to save the planet.

The issue of weather-related disasters is anticipated to increase in the coming years, According to King Price’s head of client experience, Wynand van Vuuren.

“We’re already seeing the risks from extreme weather events like wildfires, flooding, storms, and hail increasing in South Africa. We never want to be in a situation where people in some areas can’t afford insurance, so it’s important that we get proactive in how we support our clients to better understand and manage their risks,” Vuuren said.

How to Celebrate Earth Day

World Earth Day can be celebrated by planting trees, cleaning up neighborhoods, beaches, rivers, lakes, trails, and parks and reducing waste and plastic pollution, improving habitats, and preventing harm to wildlife and humans. Several cities are hosting related events.

Individuals are encouraged to make changes in their daily lives by reusing reusable utensils and recycling in households.

World Earth day is important for combating climate change denial to encouraging renewable energy.

It provides a new opportunity to meditate on the intersectionality of the environmental movement, as well as reflect on the importance of the relationship between humans and the environment – a relationship that is integral to achieving world peace. 

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