Ethekwini Municipality rebuilding water infrastructure | Infrastructure news

Ethekwini municipality has revealed that it is working diligently to ensure that damaged water and sanitation infrastructure is rebuilt and restored following the heavy floods experienced in early April.

The Democratic Alliance, non-governmental organisations such as Gift of the Givers are key players in making donations to restore the province’s water infrastructure.

Sihle Zikalala, KwaZulu-Natal premier revealed that the total cost to repair the damage was estimated at R17bn. Whilst Minister of Water and Sanitation Senzo Mchunu estimated repair costs around R1bn.

“oThongathi water treatment plant was completely decimated. As an interim measure, the city is procuring a package plant that will enable us to purify raw water. Working with Umgeni Water, the municipality is also planning to use Hazelmere Dam as an alternate supply,” said the Ethekwini municipality.

According to Zikalala, water supply repairs are 60% complete. He said, “the central and north regions have improved by 50% and 42% respectively. We have reported challenges in the south which are due to the damage to the Umlazi canal pipeline which affects water supply in many parts of the southern region.”

Further work being done:

  • temporary pipelining which has been installed to ensure water access in Umlazi and neighbouring Isipingo; and 
  • 186 water tankers and nine filling stations were made available for affected residents. 
The city further urges its residents to use water sparingly and remain careful when collecting water from unsafe sources.

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