Integrated Vaal River System remains intact | Infrastructure news

The Integrated Vaal River System (IVRS) have reportedly remained in a strong position this week, with some of the
critical dams within it remaining at firm levels.

In comparison to last year at this time when the system (IVRS) hovered at 90.9%, its present levels
are higher at 102.4%. The present levels of the system remain the same when compared against the
102.4% at which it stood last week.

Recording a slight decline, the Vaal Dam is said to have moved from 106.6% last week to 106.5% this week. During
the comparative period last year, it stood at 101.0%. .

The Grootdraai Dam, which has been on the increase on a weekly basis, has seen a 0.5% drop this
week. However, it remains at impressive levels, though it fell from last week’s 102.1% to 101.6% this
week. Last year’s levels of 94.1% indicated that the dam was lower compared to the current levels.

The Sterkfontein Dam, which is a reserve dam for the IVRS, is reportedly above the 100% mark, presently standing at 102.4% while last year in the same week it was higher at 102.6%. The Sterkfontein Dam is one of the critical dams in the system that have held firm over the months.

The Bloemhof Dam also recorded a slight increase from 103.7% to 104.8% this week. This is
lower compared to the levels of 108.0% during the same week last year.

The levels of the Mohale Dam reportedly saw slight improvement from 96.5% last week to 96.7% this week.
During the same time last year, the dam stood at 38.2%, which demonstrate that the dam has been on a
consistent upward trend this past season.

The Katse Dam also remained on an impressive state. However, this week it declined from 99.8% last week
to 99.5%. This is higher compared to the 76.5% it recorded at the same time last year.

The Department of Water and Sanitation is said to be satisfied that the system has been able to remain in a
strong position. However, the Department warns water users in Gauteng that the stability of the
system would be in jeopardy if both businesses and the public do not take responsibility to use water
with the utmost responsibility and caution

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