Polyco’s ‘Return the Favour’ campaign | Infrastructure news

Polyco is working closely with a number of schools across South Africa to get one million South Africans committed to recycling their plastic waste.

Among school children, the message around recycling is very quickly integrated into their daily routines.

Chief Executive Officer at Polyco, Patricia Pillay said “our children, the bossy little humans in our lives, are the ones we should be listening to. By recycling at home, we are collectively taking action to protect the environment for their future generations.”

The Million Plus campaign, allows Polyco work with many schools across South Africa with the goal of getting one million South Africans committed to recycling their plastic waste. “Among school children, the message around recycling is very quickly integrated into their daily routines. Often children become recycling ambassadors who will actively take a message and aim to instil this habit at home with the rest of the family. It is now up to us to listen to them,” Pillay said.

“We are so used to receiving the same old recycling messages; keep plastic out of the environment, separate your waste types, clean recyclables and ensure that bins are placed outside in time for collection. While this may be just enough for some of us to change our recycling habits at home, others still seem to brush it off,” Pillay added.

“While National Recycling Day and Month is a great public awareness campaign, household recycling needs to continue throughout the year. We use plastic on a daily basis; therefore, our recycling habits should match this,” Pillay concluded.

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