Veolia supports river clean up and monitoring programme | Infrastructure news

Veolia Services Southern Africa views water as ‘blue gold’ and is committed and will continue to contribute to all SDGs wherever water is involved.  In addition to its innovative technologies, Veolia is partnering with the Mbeko Eco Club as a corporate social responsibility project.

The Mbeko Eco Club aims to improve and protect the water quality of the Berg River waterways within the Berg River catchment in Mbekweni township and the Drakenstein municipality.

One of Mbeko’s projects is the Berg River Health and Water Quality Monitoring Project that targets learners who are in grades 8, 9 and 10 from schools in Mbekweni, Wellington and Groenheuwel, Paarl area in townships and informal settlements.

They host workshops and excursions on the value of clean water where youth are encouraged to protect water resources from pollution and are exposed to career opportunities in the sector.

Through partnerships with the Department of Water and Sanitation, Drakenstein Municipality as well as environmental and water engineering departments, the Mbeko Eco Club teaches water quality monitoring skills by using mini-SASS kits.

Learners are given the opportunity to see how local wastewater treatment and water treatment plants operate and visit the Bergriver Dam where they see the point of water collection. The programme is about water stewardship and environmental education for the youth.

“As part of our global purpose in becoming the benchmark company for #EcologicalTransformation, we recognise the importance of collaboration with like-minded stakeholders that speaks to addressing water stewardship, environmental education and awareness as well as conservation,” says Veronica Stevens, communications officer, Veolia Services Southern Africa.

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