As part of the proposed rehabilitation of the century-old Quay Wall 3 at the Port of East London, SRK Consulting has completed a geotechnical investigation to assess ground conditions at the site.

“SRK logged the borehole cores and profiled the test pits, identifying and demarcating representative soil and rock samples for testing,” he explained. “After specifying which tests were to be carried out on the samples including a review of the results, we prepared the geotechnical investigation interpretive report.”
Tests were conducted on the upper and lower horizons of the layerworks, as well as on rockfill and marine sand. Among the variables tested were the particle size distribution, shear strength and compressibility of the soil horizons and compressive strength of the bedrock. The investigation also evaluated the excavation conditions that were likely to be encountered on the site, in terms of the SANS 1200D standard. The current quay wall consists of a mass concrete gravity structure founded on a mass concrete foundation cast either within marine sand or directly on the underlying bedrock. The proposed new quay wall is planned for construction four metres in front of the existing wall. “Being a busy port, the work had to be carried out within a live environment with due regard to strict health and safety protocols, taking into account the movement of shipping, all completed by the contractor without incident and to a very high standard,” he said. Cock highlighted that the information gathered, and recommendations derived from a geotechnical study are important to assist the design engineer in designing a safe and cost-effective foundation solution for the structure. The findings of this geotechnical report will inform the final design of East London harbour’s new quay wall, providing vital data to confirm the preliminary design assumptions.