Department of Labour | Infrastructure news - Part 3

Department of Labour

Tongaat mall collapse image

Tongaat Mall – Gralio not acting in good faith

The Thongathi Mall Commission of Inquiry presiding officer has accused legal representatives of Gralio Precast, the company charged with the construction of the collapsed Tongaat Mall, of not acting in good faith and being economical in bringing...
Tongaat mall collapse image

Tongaat Mall contractors ignored compliance order

It has been alleged that the constructors of the Tongaat Shopping Mall, which collapsed on 19 November last year, ignored a compliance order stopping them from proceeding with the construction. During its third session, the Thongathi Mall...

Contract cleaning sector minimum wage review

The Department of Labour will hold nationwide public hearings on the contract cleaning sector to review the minimum wage for the sector. In terms of the Basic Conditions of Employment Act, the current sectorial determination, which governs the...
Tongaat mall collapse image

Lessons from Tongaat Mall

By Nicholas McDiarmid, Editor, IMIESA The collapse of part of a roof at the Tongaat Mall construction site just north of Durban made the headlines last year, not only because of the fatalities and serious injuries, but also for the questionable...
Contractors image

Zero harm

“Safe work creates no obstacles to being competitive and successful. In fact, no country – and no company in the long run – has been able to jump to a high level of productivity without making sure that the work environment is safe.” –International...