Green Climate Fund | Infrastructure news

Green Climate Fund

UN Climate Summit commits to combating climate change

The United Nations (UN) Climate Summit this week heard a strong commitment for a meaningful, universal climate agreement in Paris next year, with a first draft to be presented in Lima in December. “Change is in the air.  The race is on, and you are...

In closing: COP19

The Conference of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol met for the nineteenth time (COP19) in Warsaw in November this year. The aim of COP19 was to provide a structure for a new global agreement in 2015, to be signed or ratified in Paris. An agreement...

Green Climate Fund to select headquarters

Reuters reports that leaders of a fledgling UN green fund have agreed to select a headquarters this year as part of a plan to oversee billions of dollars in aid to help developing nations fight global warming. The meeting, which lasted over three...