SAICE ecstatic over the withdrawal of Alli’s resignation | Infrastructure news

“The South African Institution of Civil Engineering (SAICE) applauds Nazir Alli for withdrawing his resignation to remain the head of SANRAL,” says SAICE president Dr Martin van Veelen. The withdrawal is in the best interest of SANRAL and would ensure the continuity necessary for broadening and repositioning it as a major contributor to road infrastructure across South Africa, at a very critical stage.

“Roads are the arteries of our country along, which runs the lifeblood that keeps the South African economy properly aerated. Without these arteries the country will atrophy and shrivel. Alli has over the last number of years put together a team of highly motivated and competent professional engineers who not only have the wisdom to foresee what will be needed, but also the ability to make it happen. Any team needs a leader who ensures that the efforts of the individuals are put towards the realisation of a common goal. This he has achieved with admirable competence,” explains Dr Van Veelen.

Manglin Pillay, SAICE CEO asserted, “As longstanding, valued member and Fellow of SAICE, it is indeed a privilege to salute Alli for the significant leadership role he has played since 1998 with the establishment of SANRAL.He was also a recipient of the SAICE Transportation Division Chairman’s Award for excellent service to the transportation engineering profession.

Under Alli’s leadership a 16 000 km road network across South Africa, that can compete with the best in the world, was developed, operated and maintained. In the SAICE Infrastructure Report Card for South Africa 2011 these national roads received a B-grading, one of a few awarded a ‘Fit for the Future’-grade.

This is of major importance to our country’s economic growth and development and could only be accomplished because Alli is a highly competent, motivated and technically sound civil engineering and business manager – a rare combination. It could be said that he is a visionary leader who haspropelled the civil engineering industry into the 21st century, while working in a complex and very technical environment.

A measure of his success as a competent leader is that SANRAL has been asked to take over a number of provincial roads to ensure the network is managed properly. SANRAL, under Nazir, has a history of excellent performance in terms of service delivery on the national road network.

SAICE is delighted that Nazir will continue to be the dedicated leader keeping South Africa’s road-building programme on track, thereby ensuring economic growth and development in Gauteng and the other provinces.

Dr Martin van Veelen, president of SAICE

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