PRASA rolling stock fleet renewal programme | Infrastructure news

The Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa has identified a need to procure new Electrical Multiple Units (EMU) over a 20 year period, divided into two X10 year contracts. The need to procure EMUs is in line with PRASA’s plan to replace its ageing ‘Metrorail’ passenger fleet. As part of this Rolling Stock Fleet Renewal Programme, PRASA is hereby inviting bidders to submit proposals for the design, manufacture and maintenance of rolling stock over a ten year period, with delivery expected from 2015.

The Bid document for this tender is available on payment of a bid fee of R 20,000.00 which must be deposited into the PRASA Cheque Account [20261 0241] with Standard Bank Branch [004805] and the reference is the bidder’s name and HO/EPMO/247/04/2012.

To collect the bid document, Bidders must bring their proof of payments of the bid fee at PRASA House, Ground Floor, 1040 Burnett Street, Hatfield, Pretoria from Tuesday, 24th April to Monday, 7th May 2012 from 9am to 4pm.

A compulsory briefing session will be held on Wednesday, 9th May at 10am in Johannesburg, at a venue which will be detailed in the bid document. The closing date for submission of bid proposals is 10th September 2012 at 4pm.

Any enquiries about this tender should be directed to Tholo Dikobe by email at or telephonically on 012 748 7296 during office hours.

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