A pioneering development in Windsor East north of Johannesburg is offering affordable housing with a difference in the form of ‘container living’.
The development initially caused a stir in the Windsor East suburb when steel shipping containers were off-loaded in mid-April 2012. Some members of the local residents’ association strongly objected saying the development would impact property prices in a precinct which is battling to re-invent itself.
The units in Windsor East comprise two and three-bedroomed structures at 48m² and 56m² respectively. “All the apartments will have balconies. Each apartment consists basically of two containers – each 2.4m wide, so a living space of 4.8m. As you can imagine in a normal apartment, that’s a really decent width for a lounge and TV room.”
The three beds have one-and-a-half bathrooms with the two beds equipped with one full bathroom. The former will set you back between R3 600 and R3 800 a month while the latter will cost between R4 400 and R4 600. “We think the end product will compete right up there with the conventional bricks and mortar. We’re not looking at making these discount rental units, they will be standard rental prices,” Lapham says. He adds that while a minority of residents initially opposed the development, the authorities were more open to giving it the green light, provided all the regulations had been adhered to. “Our main objective here is to provide decent homes to people at an affordable rent that give us a decent return on investment.” “The use of containers is environmentally friendly, we’re recycling them. Containers have wonderful insulation characteristics, they’re very strong, they’re very durable, and everything we’re doing over and above the containers, the insulation, using polystyrene which is used in fridges, abattoirs and so on, is environmentally friendly and energy efficient,” Lapham says. In a previous Moneyweb article on alternative building materials, concerns were raised about standards, particularly with regards to fire hazards. Lapham has dispelled these fears: “Everything we’ve done here has been signed off and approved as having the required fire ratings. We’re not allowed to build without that engineer’s report. “The combination of polystyrene, the steel and the plaster work that we put in this building are well inside the building standards we’re required to have.” Lapham says it took a mere three days after the foundation was laid to assemble the three-storey structure in mid-April and the expected completion date is earmarked for mid-June. Tenants should be able to take occupation on August 1 if all goes according to plan. Lapham says this is a first for South Africa in terms of providing permanent, affordable housing. Source: moneyweb.co.za