US to expand surveillance operations in Africa by Swiss UAVs | Infrastructure news

The United States will expand its aerial surveillance operations across Africa by the use of Swiss unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV), Switzerland’s media report.
According to Swiss Basler Zeitung newspaper, the US military will use more Swiss surveillance drones and covert propel engine planes to carry out its surveillance operations.

Most of the surveillance planes are made in Swiss Pilatus Aircraft Ltd.

According to the report, 21 Pilatus aircraft, PC-12, are carrying out US aerial operations in Africa.

Meanwhile, on June 14, The Washington Post reported that the US military has established some small air bases across Africa and trained many army personnel in a bid to keep crucial African regions under surveillance.

The report, obtained from documents and people involved in the US military project, showed that the US has kept small, unarmed turboprop aircraft in the bases which are disguised as private planes.

The paper quoted a former US commander, who was engaged in establishing the network, as saying that the military has set up a dozen of such air bases in Africa since 2007.

The covert air bases are reportedly situated in countries such as Mauritania, Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Djibouti, Uganda, South Sudan, Kenya, and Seychelles.

The surveillance operations have increased recently as part of a move to “fight against al-Qaeda and other militant groups.” The operations are reportedly run by US Special Operations forces but largely depend on private military contractors and support from African forces.


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