South Africa ‘could be hub for ship, oil rig repair’ | Infrastructure news

If  South Africa can provide ship and oil rig repair and maintenance, a minimum of 5 000 jobs could be created, said Transport Minister Ben Martins.

The South African maritime industry could play a key role and be one of the main drivers for economic growth and job creation.

With approximately 250 oil and gas explorations set to take place in the next five years off the west coast of Africa, Cape Town could be even more involved each year with rig repairs than it currently is.

“Repair work driven by the expected explorations could create about 4 000 to 5 000 direct jobs and a further 1 000 indirect jobs,” Martins said.

He said the government had developed a draft Green Paper on maritime shipping, which would be tabled before the Cabinet shortly.

Research was done on South Africa being a hub for the oil industry through the marketing of cargo, logistics and passenger shipping.

A draft policy on making ports more competitive was also being compiled, Martins said.

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