Upcoming workshop to tackle holistic waste management | Infrastructure news

The Integrated Waste Management Workshop will be held on 26 and 27 July at the Blue Waters Hotel, Durban, and provides an introduction to sustainable waste management and clearly defines the roles and responsibilities of all involved in the waste management process, from waste production to disposal. It is designed to assist industries, local governments and businesses to ensure compliance with all relevant laws and regulations and also to provide guidelines on efficient waste management operations. On the agenda will be general, commercial, industrial and hazardous waste stream management.

Attendants will gain:

• An understanding of the correct procedures for managing different forms of waste and how this relates to sustainable development.
• An appreciation of the range and nature of waste collection and transportation systems available within the industry.
• An appreciation of the opportunities for and mechanics of materials reclamation and recycling.
• An appreciation of the principles of best practice in waste management and understand the relationship of best practice with resource conservation and pollution risk.
• An understanding of the national waste strategy and the principal legislative and fiscal controls related to waste management.
• An appreciation of the nature and scope of the waste management industry and understand the duties, responsibilities and powers of those involved in the management of wastes.
• An understanding of the sources of waste, the nature of these sources and their classification.
• Understand the role and scope of waste incineration systems.
• Knowledge of comparisons of the local industry with waste management in developing and transitioning countries.
• Knowledge of the options available for minimising, recovering, re-using, treating and disposing of wastes.
• Knowledge of collection, transport and waste transfer systems
• Understanding of the hazards posed by different wastes during their collection, storage, transportation, treatment and disposal, and how these risks can be minimised.

Who should attend?
The workshop is aimed at persons involved in the waste management industry as well as those responsible for managing waste within their organisations.

For more information, email: george@forefrontmarketing.co.za

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