CT doctor boasts two awards for household energy reduction | Infrastructure news

While energy efficiency is a phrase on everyone’s lips these days, there is a general feeling that it is only big players in business and industry who can make any real difference in terms of reducing their energy consumption or even their reliance on the national grid.

Cape Town-based medical doctor, Dr Anthony Keen, has proved that this is very far from the case – and as a result has won two Eskom eta Awards.

Since 1984, Dr Keen and his family have been reducing their household energy consumption, little by little reducing their reliance on the national electricity grid through their ‘living off the sun’ philosophy.

With no electrical knowledge or experience, but armed with a passion for energy, Dr Keen has proved to be an inspiration to anyone wanting to implement ‘green’ technology and philosophies in their homes. He followed a three-step process to reduce his average monthly energy consumption from 1 263kWh to 359kWh – an impressive 71% reduction.

First, Dr Keen began using solar water heating and a wood burning fireplace. His family switched off all geysers for nine months of the year, managing to cut their consumption by an average of 44% over a year.

Next, he installed energy efficient lighting, improved his ceiling, geyser and hot water pipe insulation and draught-proofed all doors and windows in the house. He installed a geyser timer switch, replaced appliances with energy efficient versions, and encouraged his family to adopt a more energy conscious lifestyle. These measures reduced his household consumption by a further 20%.

Finally, Dr Keen installed a larger swimming pool pump, filter and chlorinating system, which enabled him to reduce the running time to a mere four hours per day. He also covered his swimming pool for the cold months of the year so that he could turn off the pool pump without compromising on the water quality. These steps saved him a further 7% on electricity consumption.

Impressively, Dr Keen implemented all this technology himself, apart from the solar water heating – a true inspiration to the ordinary homeowner wanting to live a greener lifestyle.

Thanks to his meticulous record keeping, Dr Keen has been instrumental in influencing several other homeowners to follow his energy efficient example. In addition, he has seized the opportunity to communicate with Cape Town – the country’s most progressive municipality – on energy-related matters.

The judges at the Eskom eta Awards were so impressed by his commitment to reducing his energy consumption over the years that he was awarded two eta Awards in the energy savings in households category – one in 2008 and the other in 2011.

Dr Steve Lennon, group executive (Sustainability), says: “At Eskom, we believe that it is our role, along with government and business, to encourage this emerging mindset among our 49 million (and growing) population. It is essential for the country’s future that we all become energy savers and use electricity efficiently.” “Through the eta awards, we hope to recognise more citizens who use electricity sparingly, and who can inspire others to do the same.”

Entries to the 2012 eta Awards close on 3 August 2012. For more information, visit www. eta-awards.co.za

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