Greenpeace welcomes the Rainbow Warrior to SA shores | Infrastructure news

Greenpeace’s latest and most environmentally friendly ship, the Rainbow Warrior has arrived on South African shores.

The ship arrived at the Cape Town’s V & A Waterfront ahead of schedule on Friday due to extreme weather conditions.

The Rainbow Warrior which is said to be one of the most environmentally friendly ships ever built replaces the Rainbow Warrior II which retired on 16 August 2011.

“Hosting the Rainbow Warrior is a true honour for Africa, and we are confident that this visit will empower Greenpeace Africa with the spirit of the global organisation that is required to win major battles and build on the successes achieved so far on the continent.

It is also a reminder that climate change is happening, and it is happening now, and our leaders can no longer afford to ignore the impacts that many Africans are facing today such as drastic changes in weather patterns, increased droughts and flooding” said Greenpeace Africa’s Executive Director Michael O’ Brien Onyeka.

The Rainbow Warrior will help Greenpeace Africa on its numerous campaigns including the campaigns against over fishing and illegal fishing in West Africa and the conservation of the rainforest in Congo.

The ship which was built solely with funds from donors and Greenpeace supporters will be in Cape Town and Durban during its South Africa visit.

The new Rainbow Warrior’s eco-credentials include:

A hull shape designed specifically for superior energy efficiency

A-frame mast and sails – optimised for highly effective sailing

Electric drive system (10 knots on only 300kW)

Extended environmental assessment of the Ship

Highest environmental standards of all engines (IMO Tier-II)

Green ship class notation with Green Passport

Voluntary environmental protection class notation

Exhaust gas treatment, minimizing NOx emissions and Particulate Matters (PM)

Biological treatment of sewage and grey water

Central filling and venting system for fuel and oils to prevent spills

Environmentally friendly paint system




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