Kenya: Millions set aside for water harvesting grant | Infrastructure news

More than 150 000 Kenyans, including teachers and students in six schools in three semi arid districts will benefit from a Sh71.3 million rain water harvesting grant from the African Development Bank. The grant, which has already been approved under African Water Facility Fund, will be implemented by the Kenya Rainwater Association, the government and targeted communities.

The districts set to benefit from the project are Baringo, Kiambu West and Laikipia. “We hope the results will motivate governments to implement the project in more communities,” said Akissa Bahri, co-ordinator of the African Water Facility.

“The project will also build latrines in schools and promote good hygiene practices such as hand-washing with soap,” the AfDB said in an online press release. The project will also install water tanks for roof catchment, farm ponds for surface run off and apply watershed conservation to, “minimise conflict over water, improving water supply and food security.” The bank said the country’s pilot programme is one of six case studies conducted in Ethiopia, Tanzania and Uganda.


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