Manuel calls for the acceleration of development in SA | Infrastructure news

Consulting Engineers South Africa (CESA) is in full support of National Planning Minister, Trevor Manuel’s call to accelerate the pace of change and development in the country in order to increase growth. CESA agrees that failure to implement the recommendations of the National Development Plan could result in the country sliding backwards. It is imperative that urgent attention be given to the social needs of the country and in particular, job creation.

The construction industry is a major contributor to the creation of jobs resulting in economic and social stability for the country.

CESA states, “The National Development Plan is a holistic plan envisioning a sustainable future that has identified all of the gaps in society requiring attention relating to social and economic infrastructure in which consulting engineers play a key role.”

CESA members stand ready and waiting to provide support and assist in order to create a sustainable future for our country as the process unfolds. While the content of the plan is laudable, implementation is key to its success, and this is where the consulting engineering sector comes to the fore and can play a positive role in providing the necessary capacity for this to happen.

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