Water in Carolina is safe to drink, says DWA | Infrastructure news

The Department of Water Affairs (DWA) wishes to re-assure the people of Carolina in the Mpumalanga province that the tap water is safe to drink. The Department has noted with concern conflicting media reports on the water quality and the drinkability of the tap water in the town since it was declared safe to drink last month.

While the Department understands there might be an element of scepticism on the side of some community members in terms of the drinkability of the water following the contamination that occurred in January 2012, we wish to again give the assure that the water is indeed safe to drink as demonstrated by the MEC for the Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs, Madala Masuku who drank the tap water in the presence of the community during a visit to assess progress made in addressing water challenges in Carolina on 16 August.

Officials from the DWA have also confirmed with the local clinic that, contrary to media reports there have been no cases of illnesses linked to the consumption of the water in Carolina.

The latest results from tests conducted by an independent laboratory reveal that the quality of the tap water in Carolina including that in the surrounding areas and township is at an acceptable level and complies fully with the National Standards set for drinking water quality. In fact it can be said the water quality has improved to the extent that it is better that drinking water was before the occurrence of the adverse quality incident.

From a technical perspective, the amendments to the water treatment works have been completed and full operational status has been achieved. The last additional treatment process was commissioned more than two weeks ago and this will serve as an additional risk control barrier for all the Acid Mine Drainage related substances in the water.

The DWA Regional Office also facilitated the deployment of 5 water care Graduate trainees to further assist the municipality. Extensive interventions by the Department have also taken place including, alterations to the plant, amendments were also made to the plant to ensure optimisation of treatment capability of the available technology.

DWA has been and continues to render support to the municipalities involved in the supply of water to the communities in Carolina. As we have stated previously, as soon as the Department was notified of the problem in Carolina our Rapid Response Unit was dispatched to the area to help with efforts to restore water supply there. Together with the stakeholders DWA established a technical committee which is still in place and continues to monitor progress.

Source: allAfrica.com

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