South African water and waste water industry encouraged to showcase innovation in global competition | Infrastructure news

Science and Technology Minister Naledi Pandor has encouraged South Africans to showcase their innovation on the global stage by entering a competition seeking technology solutions to development challenges. The minister has endorsed the competition aimed at small businesses, inventors, researchers, NGOs and technology organisations.

Prize money of euros 200000 euros (approximately R2 million) is available to 23 winners of the six-month competition known as the empowering people. Award.The competition was launched by the Siemens Stiftung (foundation) at the Rio +20 sustainable development conference in June.

Entries are invited in six categories:

 Water & Waste Water
 Energy, Food & Agriculture
 Waste Management & Recycling
 Housing & Construction
 Healthcare
 Information & Communication Technology

The competition aims to make innovative technology more accessible to the development community, and to empower people to improve their own social and economic conditions.Innovators and developer teams are invited to submit a proven product or solution that can help combat development challenges by providing better access to appropriate technology.

Entries close at midnight CET on 31 December 2012.

Implement alerts, improve the market overview, and support communication in rural regions.

Further information and updates are available at:


Twitter: EmpoweringPplAward (@Emp_Ppl_Award)

For more information on the Siemens Stiftung, please visit:

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