Transnet South Africa carried 10.4% more freight | Infrastructure news

Transnet South Africa hauled an unprecedented 201 million tonne of freight in financial year 2011-2012 (ended March 2012), a 10.4% increase compared to the previous year, and the highest tonnage moved in the railway’s history.

General freight volumes rose by 9.9% to 81 million t from 73.7 million tonne in the previous financial year, while the number of containers on the railway increased by 21.5% to 762,760 teu from 627,825 teu.

Export iron ore volumes jumped by 13.2%, from 46.2 million t to 52.3 million t, while the Richards Bay heavy-haul coal line saw volumes rise by 8.8%, from 62.2 million tonne to 67.7 million tonne.


Source – Transport Journal

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