Angola: businessman acknowledges improvement of cargo transportation | Infrastructure news

Luanda — The chairperson of the chamber of commerce and industry of Angola and South Africa, Teddy Almeida, on Tuesday here acknowledged that the construction of road and port infrastructures improves a lot the cargo transports between the two countries, Angop has learnt.

“Currently, a lorry or a ship from Johannesburg (South Africa) to Luanda, can take five to 10 days, a very reduced time comparing to those ones from Europe, Asia or North America, that is 15 days”, he said.

Speaking to press, he said that this indicator shows that many products acquired in Europe, Asia or in North and Latin America, currently can be acquired in South Africa, with advantages in time, as they are produced with quality standards of the world market.

He said that an initiative like this one would bring various benefits to the Angolan State as according to him the national imports would have less expenditures in matters of time and transports of goods and the final consumer would give up purchasing products in big prices.

“The two countries can set up a strategic partnership that in our opinion would be mutually advantageous once currently the perspectives of the South African and Angolans have to enter to both markets are huge”, he said.




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