Serious concerns around Rustenburg sewage threat | Infrastructure news

The executive mayor of Rustenburg Local Municipality in the North West, Councillor Mpho Khunou, recently issued a statement expressing his “deep concern” at the sewage problem that had been ‘threatening’ the City of Rustenburg as thousands of litres of raw sewerage spilled into the streets over the past few days.

Part of the problem has been caused by medical waste blocking the city pipes network – particularly in the Smit, Kruis and Mollen streets region.

“The blockages were timeously dealt with by our Water & Sanitation Unit; however, the problem has resurfaced and again the team is attending to it as we speak [13th September 2012],” said Khunou, adding that talks had been entered into with the authority of the hospital concerned, with a view towards curbing the cause of the problem.

According to Khunou, the situation has been exacerbated by recent wet weather conditions in the area, although the local response team was working towards normalising the situation. “We have, however, also decided to introduce new sewerage technological measures that would give us a lasting solution,” added Khunou.

The executive mayor also took this opportunity to announce that by the end of September the municipality will have filled approximately 90% of the vacant posts in the Water and Sanitation, as well as Roads and Stormwater units – a capacity challenge that has also hindered efforts. “This would assist the situation a great deal as we would have adequate personnel to meet the challenge,” said Khunou.

The issue of alleged incorrect municipal meter readings was also broached in the statement. “We are aware of complaints from our residents about incorrect meter readings as issued by the newly appointed meter reading company, namely African Meter Readers.

Upon receipt of these complaints I have immediately instituted an internal enquiry with regard to the whole situation,” said Khunou, adding that he expected a full report from the municipalities manager’s soon and he wowould immediately – after reading the report – issue an official statement in that regard.

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