Transport strike action could increase | Infrastructure news

The SA Transport and Allied Workers Union (Satawu) vowed on Wednesday to increase the strike action in the road freight sector to force employers to open wage negotiations again.

“All parties have reached a deadlock and none of them are participating in any talks at the moment,” said spokesperson Vincent Masoga in a statement.

“We will use this opportunity to mobilise all our members and encourage them to unite in a clear purpose of putting as much pressure as possible for the employers to revert back to the negotiations table.”

The strike has been going on since Monday as workers have said that they are not budging from a desired 12% wage increase.

Masoga said the union intended to “ignite” other strikes in the maritime and freight rail industries, in solidarity with the current strike, to ensure no goods were moved until the road freight workers’ demands were met.

National Bargaining Council for the Road Freight and Logistics Industry (NBCRFLI) spokesperson Karen Daniels said in a statement on Wednesday that while agreement was reached on many issues, the across-the-board (ATB) increment remained in dispute.

“As a consequence, the strike called by the trade unions will continue, and at this stage no further discussions between parties are planned.”

She said employers and unions remained committed to the Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration (CCMA) process.

Masoga said Satawu are confident that the strikes will be without violence, however there has already been a few reported incidents of harrassment and damage to working driver’s vehicles.


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