Africa’s leading maritime experts to meet | Infrastructure news

Africa’s top maritime experts and registrars of ships will meet at a conference in Mombasa, Kenya in the coming weeks to launch a master plan for the continent’s re-entry into the global shipping industry.

The conference, which will be declared opened by Kenya’s Minister for Transport Amos Kimunya, is being organised by Kenya Maritime Authority (KMA), South Africa Maritime Safety Authority (SAMSA) and African Ship Owners Association (ASA) with facilitation by the  International Maritime Organization (IMO).

The conference came about due to the continents less than impressive share of international investments in the maritime industry.

Apart from drawing up a Master Plan on reviving Africa’s Maritime Agenda, the meeting will also call for the strengthening of cooperation at regional and continental levels through regular consultations where best practices can be shared among the stakeholders.

The conference will provide an interactive forum for discussion, sharing of experience and cross-fertilization of ideas on how best to enable a paradigm shift on the future of African maritime industry.

Focus will also centre on ships construction yards, oil and gas exploration, port operations, marine environment, marine tourism and funding of maritime investments in Africa.

The Inaugural African Maritime Authorities meeting, which will be attended by the Chief Executive Officers from over 30 countries, is sequel to a resolution reached in Dalian, China, in October 2012 at a workshop organized by the Chinese Government for Heads of Maritime Administrations.

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