Poor infrastructure costs Zimbabwe billions | Infrastructure news

The condition of roads and railways in Zimbabwe continue to worsen as government are unable to secure finance for important rehabilitation work with this is putting the country at a big risk of losing billions of dollars in potential revenue.

Zimbabwe is ideally situated in the region as a transit point for trade traffic to and from the major South African ports which is vital for the revenue of the county.

According to Shipping and Freight Forwarders Association of Zimbabwe chief executive Joseph Musariri, freight companies are seeking alternative routes as the roads deteriorate further.

Road works have stopped in the last decade due to the poor economice situation in the country, although, some projects such as the dualisation of major highways have resumed, the work is continuing at a very slow pace.

Musariri said tmost companies were now diverting traffic to the Kazungula border post between Botswana and Zambia where a ferry is currently being used to cross the Zambezi River although a major bridge is also under construction.

“We need to move with speed in terms of dualising the country’ roads because, already, some trucks are choosing to go through the Kazungula border post and should the bridge be completed before our dualisation then we will be in trouble as half the current trucks going north would use that route,” Musariri said.

“Traffic flow at Beitbridge also needs to improve and facilities at the post should be upgraded in line with the volume of business coming through.”


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