No fuel shortage in Botswana | Infrastructure news

According to the Ministry of Mineral,Energy and Water Resources (MMEWR), the road freight strike in South Africa has not affected petrol and diesel supply in Bostwana.

A statement from the Permanent Secretary in the Ministry, Boikobo Paya, indicated that oil companies in Botswana import almost all of their fuel from South Africa, with a few amounts from Mozambique and Namibia. “Of this, 60% is transported by road tankers and the remaining 40% by rail tankers,” it read.

It further said the strike has partially affected some of the oil companies’ ability to import fuel from South Africa but has not affected the current availability of fuel in the filling stations. “It is important to note that the fuel supply is normal as the depots in South Africa where local oil companies pick up fuel are operating normally,” the statement further read.

The ministry in conjunction with the Oil industry have decided on the use of alternative routes as one possible soultion to ensure that fuel supply remains constant. Another solution is the use of rail to import the fuel into the country.

The ministry informs the public that the Government and the local oil companies will continue to closely monitor the situation and take appropriate action to ensure availability of fuel at all times.

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