Sanral gets the green light on audit | Infrastructure news

The South African National Roads Agency (Sanral) has received an unqualified audit report from the auditor-general, it said last Wednesday.

“The unqualified report and Sanral’s unblemished financial integrity are a result of principled financial management and budgetary resourcefulness,” chief financial officer Inge Mulder said in a statement.

“While every accolade raises the bar, we will not rest on our laurels but will always work hard to maintain Sanral’s position as a well-managed and accountable company.”

The report was for the financial year that ended on 31 March.

Sanral said it was its ninth consecutive unqualified report and that this demonstrated its commitment.

“Sanral’s board and staff recognise that it is vital for the organisation to function as a credible custodian of taxpayers’ money and investor funds,” said Mulder.

Source: Business Day

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