Transnet Freight Rail to support The African Railway Summit | Infrastructure news

Damas Daniel Ndumbaro, Deputy Managing Director, TAZARA is one of the key speakers at the summit. Mr. Damas will address the audience on the ‘Future of railways in Africa’. Mr. Damas, is an experienced and seasoned railway administrator, currently working with the Tanzania Zambia Zambia Railway Authority, (TAZARA), which is a jointly owned and jointly operated railway company between the governments of United Republic of Tanzania and Republic of Zambia.

Amongst others this summit will also hear from Mr. Allen Jorgensen, Railroad Association. Mr. Jorgensen will speak on ‘Role of rail in Intra-Africa trade’. Mr Jorgensen has been involved with South African transportation policy issues dealing with funding of infrastructure, intermodal systems and competition, as well as sustainable energy matters. He has worked on a number of transport policy studies in Southern Africa including the Moving South Africa policy document, the National Freight Logistics Strategy study and more recently the NATMAP project.

In this conference the spotlight would be on rail strategies for the African continent. Case studies, panel discussions and networking opportunities with experts and industry leaders will give the delegates a stage to interact, learn and collect business intelligence and strategic insight. The African Rail Summit has engaging sessions designed to provide a holistic purview on the rail developments in the region.

Key topics to be approached include role for the private sector in African railways development, dealing with legacy railway systems, developing Africa’s railways using existing infrastructure, strategies to reduce the cost of new signalling projects while increasing the value of new deployments, managing operational safety in all phases of the life cycle of railway operations and much more.

Organized in association with the Railroad Association, Transport Forum and the PACCI this conference will see exhibitors like Imfuyo who has been supplying quality rail products and services to PRASA-Metrorail and Transnet. The other exhibitor is Columbus Stainless, South Africa’s and Africa’s only producer of stainless steel flat products. Sponsors and exhibitors at this event will be given the opportunity to share the stage with the notable panel of speakers and contribute by sharing views and interacting with decision makers from leading companies.

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