Fuel price hike for Rwanda | Infrastructure news

Fuel prices in Rwanda have gone up seeing the petrol and diesel price rise from RW970 per litre to RWF1,050. The Ministry of Trade and Industry of Rwanda has issued a statement saying that prices should not exceed RWF1,050.

The ministry have said that the reason for the price hike is because of the oil price increases on the international market.

Rwanda’s ministry of trade and industry said the increase is “mainly due to the high oil prices escalation on the international market, where petroleum products prices have increased on average by 10 percent since August 2012.”

Transporters hope that the transporters association will take these increases into account and revise tax fares upwards in an effort to keep overheads balanced.

“Obviously if fuel is up then transportation costs must also be revised and we hope our association will respond accordingly,” said Mustafa Ndizihiwe, a driver.

Rwanda escaped the worst of soaring inflation and weakening currencies last year that hit its larger neighbours in east Africa such as Uganda and Kenya, because strong farm output and the removal of fuel import duties kept food prices down.

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