CESA pleased that government recognises weaknesses | Infrastructure news

Consulting Engineers South Africa (CESA) was invited to participate in the Presidential Infrastructure Conference that took place last Friday.

Infrastructure investment is a key priority of both the National Development Plan and the New Growth Path, which is expected to transform the economy, directing national growth and driving job creation by implementing a long-term, government-led infrastructure investment programme.

A National Infrastructure Plan with 18 identified Strategic Projects has been developed and adopted by Cabinet and the Presidential Infrastructure Coordination Committee (PICC).

CESA is pleased with the honest approach from the government’s side in recognising the weaknesses in terms of the State spending on infrastructure as well as public sector capacity and cumbersome procurement issues, CESA Graham Pirie, CEO argues.

“We are impressed that Cabinet devoted a whole day to address issues pertaining to infrastructure as well as detailed plans of the PICC. We are definitely ready to consult and support the government in finding innovative and entrepreneurial ways of partnering in order to ensure a successful roll-out of the programme.”

He adds that CESA also welcomes the call made by Deputy President Kgalema Motlanthe that the country’s large-scale public infrastructure programme offers opportunities for partnerships.

Motlanthe called for a broad-based public-private coalition to support the infrastructure strategy.

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