Chinese firm wins Transnet locomotive tender | Infrastructure news

Chinese manufacturer CSR Zhuzhou Electric Locomotive (CSR) has been named as the successful bidder to provide 95 electric locomotives to South African company Transnet.

The cost for the locomotives will be around R2.6 billion rand with the first 10 being assembled in Chine whilst the remaining 85 being manufactured locally in South Africa.

With so much emphasis being placed on moving freight back to rail from road, these new locomotives will play vital part in Transnet’s plan to greatly improve their freight rail capabilities.

Along with the 95 locomotives that CSR will supply, Transnet have also invited proposals for the supply of 1064 locomotives, with 599 being electric and 465 diesel.

Speaking at the official signing of the tender at Transnet Freight Rail’s depot in Pretoria on Monday, Public Enterprises Minister Malusi Gigaba said the award followed an open and public tender process which drew interest from leading manufacturers around the world.

CSR E-loco Supply will deliver the first batch of locomotives by December 2013, with the last batch scheduled to be delivered by September 2014.

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