Relief brought to flood stricken areas | Infrastructure news

The Mpumalanga Provincial Government coordinated by the Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (CoGTA) has provided relief aid in the form of food parcels, bottled water, blankets, corrugated iron sheets, tarpaulins and tents to the families affected by heavy rains and hail storm that ravaged the province from 16 to 19 October 2012. The affected areas are in Nkomazi, Mkhondo, Chief Albert Luthuli and Thembisile Hani Local Municipalities.

Preliminary reports indicate that in Nkomazi there was one fatality where an eight year old child died and eight people suffered minor injuries. In Chief Albert Luthuli eight people were injured, one person was injured in Thembisile Hani and there were no other fatalities and injuries in other areas. In all these areas house roofs were blown away and some houses were destroyed. Roofs of six schools and one clinic were blown away in the Chief Albert Luthuli Municipal area.

Technical teams are currently conducting assessments to determine the total number of households affected and other infrastructure damaged as a result of these heavy rains. Continuous support to affected families is offered by the affected District and Local Municipalities’ Disaster Management Units.

The MEC for Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs, MadalaMasuku, is making an appeal to all citizens and businesses to assist victims by donating food, clothes and any other form of assistance. The department is continuing to monitor the situation.


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