Nigeria’s transport infrastructure concerns | Infrastructure news

Citizens in Nigeria have expressed their frustrations regarding the poor state of the country’s transport infrastructure, which they feel is a threat to their lives.

Road travellers have to contend with major roads that are in an atrocious condition making travel far more dangerous. It did not help the situation when the recent flooding disaster in the North-Central parts of the country caused even more damage.

Along with the the poor roads, there are also on-going issues with air travel as there is a shortage of flights and increasingly high airfares is also putting a lot of people off the use of this mode of transportation.

It has become a common sight to see passengers stranded at airports due to the lack of flights, yet not wishing to use the roads due to the above mentioned concerns.

Last year Nigerian roads were placed on position 191 out of 192 countries whose roads were rated based on safety standards by the World Health Organisation.

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